Friday, May 30, 2008


I'm sure at one point and time we have all been told, "you were at the wrong place at the right time!"
How in the hell do you deal with being at exactly the right place, but at the wrong time?
Because I know without a shadow of a doubt, I am in the absotute right place, at the worst time possible. How do you hang in there and wait.....? I have little patience, but know the more I practice being patient, the better things will turn out.
In every moment of my life I have always been able to say exactly what was on my mind, but now I find myself not able to say a word. When I talk to others about this hush hush topic, they see exactly where I am coming from and are rooting for me just as much as I am for myself. Everyone however has a different opinion on how I should handle things, and also on what way someone else might be thinking.
I wish I was a mind reader, it would make it much easier to know exactly how I should handle this situation.
Unfortunatly I'm not though, and sit on my hands, as well as bitting my tongue, just praying that God will let me know how to deal with something he has put right in front of me.

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