Sunday, June 15, 2008

Things have been going pretty good for me here lately. I have my moments of pure depression, but Extreme Emotions seems to be the best fitting name for a bipolar chick with a lot on her plate.
My daughter finally got out of jail and put into long term placement. God truly loves us and had His hand into where she went. It is kinda far away, but I know she will be able to find herself there if she so desires. It is almost 1000 acres. Wilderness therapy. As an adult I know that always works best for me. The one place I can let go of all the hectic every day life and listen to God without any interruptions. It has been a while since my last trip, and I thank God I am without transportation right now because I have had such a desire to go back across country to Winchester Bay Oregon. I stayed there on the coast for 4 months in a tent and with the smile on my face you would have thought I was doing without nothing.
Next Sunday I will finally be baptized! I hate that my daughter won't be there to see it but God has better reasons for doing it this way than I could ever imagine. I am so thankful I was able to take part in Tres Dias. I found a love there that was embedded in my soul.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Sorry I missed your baptism...:(